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This is the package you chose. To choose differently, click here.
Local MLS Listing
6-Month Listing on Local MLS
Colorado Listing Broker
32 Photos (Max # Allowed)
Contract Review
Friendly & Competent Advising
Title Document Review
Digital eContracts
Phone/Email/Text Support
Color Flyer
All Local Realtor Sites
Local & National Sites
Handle negotiations w/other Agents
Showing Service & Feedback
For Sale Professional Sign Panel
CMA (Comparative Market Analysis)
Paid at closing:
.05% to Broker Direct + Buyer
Broker Commission (see below)
Thank you for completing this initial step to listing your property on the MLS!
We do not ask for payment for the MLS at this time; however if a sign is to be delivered immediately and before the listing is active, we ask for $49 in advance to cover the cost of shipping and materials. Your fee, once you are completely satisfied with your MLS listing, is $549 minus $49 for a final activation charge of $500. If you wish to wait until the listing is active to receive a sign, then there's no upfront charge.
You may leave this page open while you gather information about your property. Much of the information you already know but other required information can be found at your County Assessor website. Just Google "*Your County* Assessor Property Search" and do a quick search for your address. You'll also need a 1000 character description, up to 32 photos & a decision about how you'd like to set showings. The showing appointment setting service comes with ALL our listings for FREE!
Now, in order for Broker Direct to have the info needed to place your property on the MLS,
please go to this form and complete to the best of your ability:
*We do require a $49 advance fee to immediately send your sign, payable through Venmo or Chase QuickPay® with Zelle℠.
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