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List on Zillow, Trulia, MLS
List your property NOW!
Call/Text Schaunon at 720-988-9914 to find out how!
Think of it this way: we are like Priceline for real estate.
Schaunon Winter, your
Colorado Preferred Realtor®
Most people don't realize, but commissions ARE negotiable.
There's a Listing (Seller's) Broker and a Buyer's Broker involved in most transactions, charging a total of 6% +/-. You probably didn't know this but you've always been able to choose what you pay the Buyer's Broker though there is what is considered to be a "standard" fee.
Now, you can choose what to pay the listing broker!
Text me your name, city & state, and what you're willing to pay to list your property.
Once we agree on a price, we'll walk you through the process. It's easy and you're in control!
What are you willing to pay for the following professional services?
How long do you want to be listed: 3, 6 or 9 months? 2 weeks?
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Enter the price of your property and the percent you intend to pay to see what it will cost:
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